Twine & Tarot

Spirit, Mind & Body


  • Full Sturgeon Moon

    Tonight, August 1st, we get to celebrate the Super Full Sturgeon Moon. As summer is approaching its end, we are met with the first full moon of August, the Sturgeon Moon. This is the time of year where harvest is in full swing, and autumn is at our doorstep. Tonight is a celebration of abundance,…

  • Three of Wands

    Confidence Expansion Foresight Growth Progress Buckle up, and stick to your guns. It’s time to tackle your plans for the future with conviction. You know what you want for the future, planned out the steps, and setting everything into action. While you embark on you journey, remember to keep an eye open for opportunities that…

  • Knight of Cups

    Artistic Charming Creativity Idealist Imagination Mediator If you just wait for things to happen, they never will. The dreams you want to become reality are waiting for you to take action. Your passion, intuition, and emotions fueling you on your journey, following your heart to make your dreams a reality. Let your intuition guide you,…

  • The Magician

    Ability Desire Inspired Action Manifestation Resourcefulness With all the tools at your fingertips, now is time to take action. What is something that you have been trying to achieve, a goal you’ve been trying to reach? The Magician is your sign to act, you have the desire, ability, and resources to make it happen, so…

  • Ace of Pentacles

    Abundance Manifestation New Opportunities Prosperity Stability Our journey is not meant to be easy, instead to help us learn and grow. As we move along it new opportunities will head our way, a chance for us to grow and reach our goals. The Ace of Pentacles reminds us that for each new start on our…

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